Ora Hasenfratz: TWINS (2015)
In the photographic body of work, Twins, I show different layers of connection between my twin sister and me. Whenever we get in touch, we resonate together. We have spent the majority of our lives together from the very first moment, but last year at the age of 26 we moved to different countries. Now, we communicate mostly via Skype.
Parallel to showing the connection between us, I address a loosening of our extremely strong emotional bond and the challenges of adulthood; this is a painful process. Flying the nest is not easy, but detaching from a twin makes it more difficult.
My sister, Szilvi is in an advanced stage in our asymmetrical detachment, and this series is a tool for healing and trying to let my other half go while maintaining a connection. This detachment is not about eliminating each other from our lives, but rather to reposition our relationship and accept that we each have our own lives and identities.
Nevertheless, we will always rely on each other.
P.s. I am profoundly grateful to Szilvi for placing her full reliance in me and letting me express my feelings through these photographs, even though emotionally it was not easy for her either.